About Klosser Innovation
Klosser Innovation is one of Norway’s strongest innovation and development environments. We work to promote knowledge-based business development in Innlandet. Innlandet is a region in the southeast of Norway.
Our employees have broad experience and work actively with advice to the business community in Innlandet. Klosser Innovation aims to carry out development projects in collaboration with business, academia and the public sector.
Klosser incubator
An incubator helps to develop innovation companies at an early stage, using the expertise and networks that the incubator has. Companies that develop at an early stage using incubators are more likely to succeed than others (ref. both USA and Norway).
Through Klosser Innovation’s incubator-program we annually assist about 80 startups and companies in various industries with developing financing and realizing their startups and business ideas.
We also assist established companies in realizing their innovation projects, which give companies increased growth and greater competitiveness. Our incubator-advisors and large networks give the companies a powerful springboard, so they can reach their goals faster. The incubation program offers subsidized counseling regardless of where you are located in Innlandet. Klosser Innovation has offices in Kongsvinger, Hamar, Tynset, Elverum and Kirkenær. We also offer subsidized office space. Klosser Innovation has extensive experience in development and innovation processes, and we are happy to guide your company through our incubator.
Our areas of focus
Klosser Innovation has a particular focus on developing areas where business has natural advantages or have the potential to build competitive advantages. Within our four areas of focus we can boast solid professional expertise, long practical experience and good references.
AgriFoodTech is a growth area with great export potential for the Norwegian business sector. Climate change, food shortages in some parts of the world, and greater demands for sustainable production and food security are important drivers for the development of new technology for producing food from farm to table.
Establishing new industry and restructuring existing industrial businesses is important for both national and local value creation. Norway is now juggling two parallel restructuring processes. We must restructure our oil and gas production to other industries, and this restructuring must be done in a sustainable manner. This presents great opportunities for growth in Innlandet, and therefore Klosser innovation has a strong focus on reindustrialization.
Woodtech & Biorefinery
Innlandet has Norway’s largest forest area and forestry accounts for a large part of the value creation and employment in the county. Analyses show that there is great potential for extracting greater gains both in primary forestry and the wood products and wood industries, as well as great potential in the development of new products and materials from raw materials from the forest. The development of new technology can contribute to realizing these gains. Through our specialist incubator, Klosser Innovation will be a support player for companies developing technology for the forest industry, and for companies developing high-value products from wood.
An increasingly international focus on sustainability means that companies are facing new demands from customers, investors, and authorities. Many companies find the green shift challenging, but a green transition can also contribute to innovation and increased competitiveness. Klosser wants to be a key support player for companies in the restructuring process. Therefore, we have developed the Klosser Resiliency program, which focuses on sustainability through innovation. Based on best practices in sustainable restructuring and innovation processes, the program offers tailored workshops and guidance to each company in analyzing, prioritizing, and implementing measures for increased sustainability in their own business. The program makes it easy for companies to get started and succeed with a sustainability strategy.
Contact Frank Larsen
Frank Larsen
Frank er bioteknolog med dr. grad fra Universitet i Oslo. Han er seriegründer innen bioteknologi og har jobbet i både store og små teknologiselskap både som forskningssjef og markedsdirektør. Frank var den aller første direktøren i Universitet i Oslo sitt selskap for kommersialisering av teknologi. I tillegg til å lede Klosser Innovasjon, har han en ekstrajobb ved Høgskolen i Innlandet hvor han underviser masterstudenter i bioøkonomi og biobusiness. Frank har et stort engasjement for å utvikle kunnskapsbasert næringsliv på Innlandet og reindustrialisering for høyere verdiskaping på Innlandets bioressurser.